Withdrawing your diploma


E-mail : soutenances.ed @ univ-pau.fr

Phone : 05 59 40 76 06


Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Bâtiment DEG

Avenue du Doyen Poplawski
BP 1633


Withdrawing your diploma

The doctoral diploma is typically received during the graduation ceremony held in June of the year following the thesis defense and awarding of the doctorate.

At the graduation ceremony

The graduation ceremony is a formal event where doctoral students receive their diplomas from the ceremony host, in the presence of the President of the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour, the directors of the doctoral schools and the doctoral centre, and the supervisors of the doctoral theses. The families and friends of the new doctors are welcome to attend.

Other possibilities

Doctoral students who cannot attend the Doctoral Graduation Ceremony may request to receive their diploma by post or appoint a third party to collect it directly from the doctoral school.

Download the form and procedure for withdrawing your doctoral diploma ("Intranet - Doctoral student tools")