Services for doctoral students
- International Welcome Desk
- Le Service d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle (SCUIO-IP)
- Le Service Commun de Documentation (SCD)
- HAL e2s UPPA : la plateforme d’archive ouverte de l’UPPA
- Les services de santé (pour les doctorants hors contrat de travail)
- Les services de santé (pour les doctorants en contrat avec l'UPPA)
- Les aides sociales
- Assistant.e.s social.e.s : prendre rendez-vousIf you are a PhD student not covered by the UPPA employment contract, you are covered by the social workers at the Espace Santé Etudiants:
If you are a doctoral student on a UPPA employment contract, you are covered by the UPPA social assistant.
Contact: / - La cellule handicap