Writing your thesis

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Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Bâtiment DEG

Avenue du Doyen Poplawski
BP 1633


Writing your thesis

Language of writing

The language used in French teaching and research establishments for theses and dissertations is French, as stated in article L 121-3 of the Education Code. However, exceptions may be justified, in particular when the doctoral student or the proposed rapporteurs and/or members of the defence jury are not French-speaking. If you wish to write and/or defend your thesis in a language other than French, you must submit a request to the Director of the Doctoral School.

Download the request form for writing the thesis in a language other than French ("Intranet - Doctoral students' tools").

Collection of articles

Theses can be written in the 'thesis by articles' format, which allows the inclusion of articles published or ready for publication in refereed journals recognised in the subject area of the thesis. However, this format must comply with certain criteria and be structured in a specific way.

Download the application form for writing a thesis on articles ("Intranet - Doctoral student tools").