Preparing your application


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Phone : 05 59 40 76 06


Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Bâtiment DEG

Avenue du Doyen Poplawski
BP 1633


Preparing your application

An application for a doctorate includes:

  • A host research team from the College of Science and Technology for Energy and the Environment (STEE):

          - Chemistry / Materials / Environment / Biology: IPREM

          - Geoenergies / Engineering sciences: LATEP; LFCR; SIAME

          - Mathematics et their interactions: LMAP

          - Agronomic and ecological sciences: ECOBIOP; NUMEA

          - Information and communication sciences and technologies: LIUPPA


  • A PhD supervisor.
  • An original thesis subject in line with the scientific strategy of the host research unit and, more generally, that of the UPPA, which defines its scientific identity in terms of five interdisciplinary missions closely linked to societal challenges (see diagram below).
  • Proposed funding or evidence that the candidate will be able to benefit from the material and financial conditions necessary for the successful completion of the thesis.