

E-mail : formations.ed @

Phone : 05 59 40 81 96


Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Bâtiment DEG

Avenue du Doyen Poplawski
BP 1633



In addition to laboratory research, a PhD program includes compulsory training courses and non-research activities that contribute to the development of the skills expected of future PhDs (decree of 22 February 2019).

  1. Regulations

    In compliance with the decree of 25 May 2016,

    • All PhD students must take courses that promote interdisciplinary learning and the acquisition of a broad scientific culture, including knowledge of the international research framework:
    • training in research ethics and scientific integrity,
    • training in pedagogy if the doctoral student's professional project,
    • training to support professional integration
    • The thesis supervisor and the doctoral student must sign an individual training agreement (CIF) that specifies, among other things, the doctoral student's professional project and his/her individual training programme in relation to this project.

    • The doctoral student regularly updates their portfolio, which lists all their activities during their training, including teaching, dissemination of scientific culture and technology transfer. The portfolio highlights the skills they have developed during their doctoral studies.

    In compliance with the decree of 22 February 2019,

    •  The award of a doctorate certifies the ability to produce new, high-level scientific knowledge and the mastery of skills common to all doctorates, acquired through research.


    Building your individual training plan

    UPPA requires doctoral students to complete 150 hours of training during their thesis. The hours and associated RNCP skills will be recorded in their ADUM account.

    Students can take specific doctoral school courses, interdisciplinary courses offered by the Centre des Etudes Doctorales (CED) or other UPPA departments (SCD, SCUIO-BAIP, SUP-ARTICE, DRH...), as well as non-UPPA courses open in the ADUM, and can also declare "off-catalogue" all external courses (MOOCs, cotutelle universities, colloquia...). Other elements of the doctoral career can also be recognised, such as publications, participation in international conferences, international mobility, teaching, elective mandates, etc..

    Before starting their second year, doctoral students must submit their individual training agreement (CIF) to ADUM. The agreement must have been validated by their thesis supervisor(s).

    Prior to defending their thesis, doctoral students should edit their portfolio in their ADUM account. This involves summarising all training courses and other activities they have completed, and indicating the total number of hours allocated.

    To fulfill the requirements for doctoral training, the Centre des Etudes Doctorales and UPPA provide compulsory training courses (most of which can be chosen from several modules), as well as language, scientific and professional training courses.

  2. Quand

    Intitulé formations

    Nombre d'heures validées


    en 1ere année 



     15h par MOOC

    Plateforme Fun MOOC

    • Journée Recherche documentaire et publication scientifique


    Catalogue ADUM

    • Conduire son projet de thèse/ Conduct your PhD project (FR/EN)
    • Gestion du temps/ Time management (FR/EN) 




    Catalogue ADUM

    en 1ere ou 2e année

    Une formation à choisir parmi les propositions ci-dessous :

    • Doctoriales : UPPA/UPV ou UPPA/UNIZAR ou BIOSENA

    • Communication orale : Stage Voix et Gestes (doctorants francophones) ou Public Speaking for scientists (non-French speaking PhD students)

    • Entrepreuneuriat : Séminaire de sensibilisation à l'entrepreneuriat ou Programme Formation Entrepreneuriat/ Entrepreneurship training program InnoUNITA (online) ou Hackathon

    voir barème Formations obligatoires 2023/24

    Catalogue ADUM

     en 3e année et +


    • Séminaire Insertion professionnelle BAC+8 (BAIP UPPA)
    • Webinaires BAIP UPPA
    • Webinaires APEC

    voir barème Formations obligatoires 2023/24

    Catalogue ADUM ou  hors catalogue (APEC)

    Obligatoire avant soutenance :


    • Déposer sa thèse à la Bibliothèque Universitaire (BU)

    • Diffuser ses travaux dans l'archive ouverte HAL de l'UPPA




    Catalogue ADUM SCD

    année de début des cours à l'UPPA

    Obligatoire si charge d’enseignement à l'UPPA :




    15h pour le MOOC

    Catalogue ADUM
    Fun MOOC

    Since training in research ethics and scientific integrity is mandatory by decree, the awarding of the doctoral degree is conditional on the completion of one of the MOOCs: Research Ethics (U. Lyon) or Scientific Integrity (UBx) or equivalent training.

    These two MOOCs are complementary, and it is possible to take and validate both of them, as well as several compulsory training courses from the same choice list.

  3.  Formations linguistiques

    Formations professionnalisantes

     Formations spécifiques SEA & SSH

    Formations BU/SCD *

    Webinaires BAIP / APEC **

    Télécharger le fichier «Formations linguistiques 23-24» (74.4 KB)


    Planning 2023/24

    Télécharger le fichier «Formations professionnalisantes 23-24» (124.8 KB)

    Planning 2023/24 ED SEA

    Planning 2023/24 ED SSH


    * The BU's workshops and webinars are available for registration by the SCD in your ADUM catalog throughout the year.

    ** BAIP or APEC webinars must be declared as 'out of catalog' in ADUM by grouping them together with a minimum of 4 hours and a single PDF containing all supporting evidence.

  4. Registration for CED courses is via ADUM.

    Click on the "Training Catalogue" menu on the right-hand side of your ADUM profile, and your doctoral school's training courses will appear first. Select the course of your choice to view the content and description and to register. Additionally, you can register for specific courses offered by other universities.

    Details on courses organized by other UPPA departments will be announced on the doctoral students' mailing list. To register, please contact the organizers.

    SOON : Online registration from the ED Training courses catalog in ADUM


  5. Training courses taken outside the CED can also be capitalized in the individual training plan, for example, training courses taken at other universities (cotutelle) or organizations (INRAE, CNRS...), in companies (CIFRE).

    Many courses are available online:

    The Unité Régionale de Formation à l'Information Scientifique et Technique de Bordeaux (URFIST) is an inter-university training service whose mission is to develop mastery of scientific and technical information and communication: scientific writing; collection, production and management of digital data; promotion of scientific work, etc.
    Urfist designs training courses organized by semester and on request, as well as study days.

    Fun-MOOC is a platform for online courses (Mooc). These courses are created by higher education establishments and partners. Depending on the course, you can earn a tracking badge or optional certification (for a fee).
    Fun also offers paid Gradeo courses leading to certificates. The courses are open to all, and are designed for anyone wishing to acquire new knowledge and strengthen their personal or professional skills.

    MyMOOC presents several thousand free online training courses and certification courses available at any time, with a complete catalog of online resources (project management, IT, foreign language learning...).

  6. To be validated by the ED Management, training courses or activities outside the ED must be declared in "Declaration of external training courses" in your ADUM profile (right-hand menu) and be attested by a proof of attendance submitted with the detailed program (in a single pdf) and, if possible, with the RNCP skills sheet associated with the training course, including the organizer's signature or stamp. The ED management examines requests on a case-by-case basis.

    Autres activités capitalisables

    BAREME 2023/24

    Heures validées

    Autres formations (UPPA hors catalogue ADUM, externes...)

    selon volume

    Divers MOOC (Fun MOOC ou autre plateforme)

    selon volume

    Module master ou équivalent, DU (voir volume horaire du module)

    Forfait maximum 50h

    Suivi de 10 conférences UNITA : Liste récapitulative à valider par un responsable


    Séminaires de laboratoire : Liste récapitulative à valider par un responsable (1h/séminaire, maximum 10h validées)

    10h maxi

    Publication(s) dans un journal/Acte(s) de colloque, avec comité de lecture (joindre justificatif)


    Maximum 30h

    Engagement associatif (UPPA ou externe)


    Implication dans la vie de l’ED (représentants conseil ED, QVT…)


    Implication dans la vie de l’Etablissement (mandats électifs, groupes de travail…)


    Actions Sciences avec et pour la Société (Animation scientifique : Fête de la science, Café des Sciences, Nuit des chercheurs …)


    Séjour à l’international de 2 semaines minimum (10h/semaine)

    20h à 40h


    Journée d'Etude disciplinaire SSH :

    Organisation (non cumulable avec participation)


    10h + 5h/j


    Participation école de printemps/été/hiver


    Participation congrès ou colloque


    + Bonus pour Poster dans congrès ou colloque

    4h + 5h/jour

    + Bonus pour Communication orale dans congrès ou colloque

    10h + 5h/jour

    Prix et distinctions scientifiques dans une conférence


    Expérience professionnelle :


    Encadrement étudiant de Master (au cas par cas sur présentation d’un justificatif)

    Forfait de 5h à 30h


    Parrainage de stagiaire (collégien ou lycéen)

    Forfait 3h

    Activités d'enseignement

    Forfait Maximum 60h

    Stages en entreprise (au cas par cas sur présentation d’un justificatif)

    Forfait Maximum 50h


    Other activities may be validated on a case-by-case basis.